Sunday, March 29, 2009

Finished Ahead of Time! First Miracle of 2009

Our ANG Guild (Atlanta Chapter) started a service project last November that will result in a beautiful stitched wall hanging for the local Ronald McDonald house. I signed up to be a stitcher because I had recently rejoined the Guild and I really support the mission of Ronald McDonald Houses. The design is beautiful- leaves and background stitched in shades of Splendor with Watercolours accents. The piece I was assigned was long on Splendor and short on Watercolours so you might not get the full effect of the design with my square, but I loved stitching it. You may not agree with me, but mindless basketweave stitching can really fill the bill after a long day at work. There are times when a stitcher needs to be able to pick up the needle and stitch rather than think! Since Splendor is a stranded silk, I did have to dig out my tekobari to lay my stitches. What am I most proud of? The fact that I finished the piece a month and a half before the deadline! There are a few benefits to an empty nest!